Downloads: 128
Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Assess the Knowledge Regarding Organic Dust Toxicity among Farmers in Kalavai
S. Divya [6] | S. Sujithra
Abstract: Introduction Organic dust toxicity is a immunologically mediated lung disease causeing repeated inhalations of organic antigens. The inflammation is often followed by granulomas, which they may progress to fibrosis. Farmers are known to have high mortality and morbidity from certain respiratory disease. Exposure to organic dust is one of the most important occupational risks among farmers. Objectives Assess the knowledge on organic dust toxicity among farmers. Associate the level of knowledge with selected demographic variables. Methodology Descriptive cross sectional design was adopted for this study, convenient sampling technique was used and 30 farmers were selected. The data was collected, analysed, in terms of both inferential and descriptive statistics. Result The study result showed that out of 30 samples 5 (16.66 %) members had adequate knowledge, 6 (20 %) members had moderate knowledge but majority of samples 19 (63.33 %) ranged under inadequate knowledge. This study implies that majority farmers residing at kalavai had inadequate knowledge on organic dust toxicity.
Keywords: Organic dust toxicity, Farmers
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 897 - 898
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