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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Preoperative Diagnostic Role of Hyperbilirubinemia as a Marker of Acute Appendicitis & Appendicular Perforation
Naveen Verma | Hanuman Ramkhoja | Surendra Pal Maurya | Farukh Khan | Anand Mohan | Ashutosh Saini
Abstract: This study was done to conclude whether the Serum Bilirubin can be considered as a new laboratory marker to aid in the diagnosis of Acute appendicitis and if so, does it have the predictive capacity to warn us about Appendicular perforation. A total of 100 patients with clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis or appendicular perforation were studied. The serum bilirubin and liver function tests were carried out in all the patients. In this study, males (71 %) outnumbered females (29 %) and overall mean age was 27.4310.72 years. Of the 100 patients, 87 % were confirmed as acute appendicitis while 13 % were diagnosed with Appendicular perforation. Of 87 patients with acute appendicitis, 62.06 % had raised bilirubin levels, while 37.93 % had normal levels.13 patients were diagnosed as Appendicular perforation, 10 patients (76.92 %) had raised bilirubin levels, while the remaining 3 patients (23.07 %) had normal levels. The Sensitivity and Specificity of serum bilirubin as a marker in predicting Acute appendicitis and Appendicular perforation was 62.06 % and 23.07 % respectively. Patients with clinical signs and symptoms of appendicitis and with hyperbilirubinemia higher than normal range should be identified as having a higher probability of Appendicular perforation suggesting, serum bilirubin levels have a predictive potential for the diagnosis of Appendicular perforation.
Keywords: Appendicular perforation, Hyperbilirubinemia, Acute appendicitis, Acute surgical abdomen, Appendicectomy
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 1129 - 1133
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