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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
A Survey on Data Security and Confidentiality Using 2D Color Barcodes
Anjaly Raj [2] | Vidya N.
Abstract: 2D color barcodes have been introduced to obtain larger storage capabilities than traditional black and white barcodes. There is increased interest in the use of color barcodes to encode more information per area unit than regular, black-and-white barcodes. Here a secret message is encrypted with combined cryptographic method and then hide the encrypted data in a color QR Code (Quick Respond Codes). The embedded QR code may be sent to destination or may be saved for future use. Color QR Codes are mainly used to convey or store messages because they have higher or large storage capacity than any other normal conventional barcodes. The data is encrypted using a symmetric key, then inserted in color QR code, so that data can not be easily retrievable without adequate authorization / permission. This paper studies two dimensional color barcodes for data confidentiality and security.
Keywords: QR Codes, 2d Color barcode, Encryption, Hiding, Security
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 1171 - 1174
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