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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Avoidance of Unauthorized user using Visual Cryptography
Dayanand G Savakar [9] | Pandurang H Biradar
Abstract: This Work makes use of divide and conquers algorithm and visual cryptography method. The use of visual cryptography is to protect bank account from hackers using image as security. The original image will be added at registration process then it divide into two parts, first part share with server and second part share with registered email id. Whenever we need to transfer the money from bank account to another then we need to upload second half image it will merge both parts if it matches. The money will transfer otherwise Transaction will unsuccessful. Finally it shows authorized user can perform activity on their account. Avoid the unauthorized user access.
Keywords: visual cryptography, security, shares, divides and conquer algorithm, hackers
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 1155 - 1157
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