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Research Paper | Information Technology | Kenya | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Anticipated Impacts of Virtual Brain Adoption on Humanity
Idah Vincent [2] | Ogake Lorna
Abstract: Human beings are intelligent because of the brain and therefore can think and do what other animals cannot. However, we lose the knowledge that would have been used for the development of the human society when we die due to the destruction of the body. Today scientists are in research to create an artificial brain known as virtual brain that is a mirror of natural human brain and can think, respond, make decision, and keep anything in memory of the natural brain. That means creating a machine that can function as human brain. The main aim is to upload human brain into the machine so that man can think and take decision without any effort and consequently enhance memory. After the death of the body, the virtual brain will act as the man. So, even after human death one will not lose the knowledge, intelligence, personalities, feelings and memories of that person and therefore can be used for the development of the human society. With this kind of technology, scientists believe that it will be possible to cure and diagnose brain diseases early as well as cure madness and even deafness. Human brain is complex than any circuitry in the world and none has ever understood its complexity. So, Is it really possible to create a human brain The answer is Yes. Because whatever man has created today always he has followed the nature. When man did not have a device called computer, it was a big question for all. But today with technology growing exponentially it is possible. IBM and Cajal Project in Spain are currently in research to create a virtual brain using brain simulation. The IBM virtual brain is called Blue brain. If possible, this would be the first virtual brain of the world. This paper examines the possible impacts that would result from adopting the use of virtual brain on humanity by carrying out a desk research.
Keywords: Virtual brain, artificial brain, supercomputer, neuron, blue brain, simulation, nanotechnology, nanobots, robots
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 1352 - 1355
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