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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
The Analysis of Principal Leadership Style Model, Organizational Culture and Teacher Work Motivation at Madrasah Aliyah in Kota Jambi
Wirda [2] | Harun Sohar | Nuraini [3] | Rahmat Murboyono [2]
Abstract: Strong educational leadership is a need for an educational institution. Therefore, the model of leadership style must be known and controlled by the principals to the leadership duties successfully. In addition to the strong leadership of the principal, to produce graduates who are qualified and competent in a school should have an organizational culture conducive and high motivation. This study uses a quantitative approach to determine the model of the principal's leadership style and organizational culture and motivation level of teachers working at the school. Based on the results of the study can be concluded as follows (1) general model of leadership style Madrasah Aliyah in Jambi has a participative leadership style of leadership (PAL) which is approximately 65%. This shows that in general the principal Madrasah Aliyah in Jambi has a tendency to involve teachers in school decision making, and (2) the general style of leadership model of participative leadership (PAL) can build a culture of school organization and motivation of teachers to the level very good. The model of leadership style leadership style Instructional Leadership (INL) impact on organizational culture and work motivation in school at the level of medium, while models Transformational leadership impacts on organizational culture of the school is at the level of good while the motivation to work at the level of very good. This shows that the model of leadership is relatively accordance with the conditions in the school. at the end of this study advised to conduct more in-depth research related to the leadership style of the other models. It is intended in addition to enriching the knowledge associated with the model of leadership also is intended to find out more in the leadership model adopted by the principal so that policy-makers can make decisions more accurately.
Keywords: leadership style, organizational culture, motivation of teachers, Madrasah Aliyah, Jambi
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 1740 - 1746
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