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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Multi-Cloud Data Storing Strategy with Cost Efficiency and High Availability
Shilpa B Kodli | Pramila D Reshmi
Abstract: Cloud computing has been envisioned as the de-facto solution to the increasing storage cost of IT enterprises. The cloud vendors, customers and different pricing policies are confused to choose suitable cloud (s) for storing their data and to choose the cheaper methodology. Apart from the reduction in storage moves the users data outsourcing to the cloud also helps in reducing the maintenance. This provides a scheme which gives a proof of data integrity in the cloud which the customer has employ to check the correctness of his data in the cloud. This strategy ensures that the storage at the client side is minimal which will be beneficial for clients.
Keywords: CHARM, cost efficient, multi-cloud, suitable cloud data hosting
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 1450 - 1453
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