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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Sudan | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
The Effects of Transfers from IPv4 to IPv6 Using AODV Routing Protocol for VANET and MANET
Wagdi Mohamedsalih Satti [2] | Hala Eldaw Idris [4]
Abstract: The transfer and changes from IPv4 to IPv6 has become unavoidable certain with really vital Consequently, its necessary to check and examine the effects with this change in all of the communication practices, certainly within a mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) and with VANET as portion, that topology in the Ad-hoc may well switch immediately with all of the sudden as a result of capability to move with nodes. Direction-finding practices use in different ways with distinctive surroundings. Consequently, necessary to investigate that habit with several direction-finding practices with distinctive surroundings. in this paper examine may be executed relating to the effectiveness with Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector AODV For MANET with IPv4 and IPv6 environment applying OPNET Modeler For simulation. We perform analysis For AODV Routing protocol with WLAN, throughput, delay, Routing and packets loss.
Keywords: MANET, IPv6, IPv4, Routing Protocols, AODV, OPNET
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 1605 - 1607
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