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Research Paper | Physics Science | Iraq | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Theoretical Calculation of the Photons Rate for the Quark-Gluon System at Compton Scattering
Dr. Hadi J.M Al-agealy | Dr. Hadi Dawyich Al Attabi | Hassan Ali Al Badri
Abstract: The quantum chromo dynamic theory have been used to calculation the photons rate in the quark-gluon collisions at Compton scattering depending on the quantum consideration. The effective strength coupling _esc the quantum electro dynamic constant, photons energy E_phot, square charge of the quarks e_QCD^2, thermal energy T and Euler constant _Euler coefficients are using to calculation the rate of photons at QCD. Photons rate at ugd and cgd systems are emission in the range 2.33577x10^ (-7) R_Compton (_esc, T, E_phot) to 3.328*10^ (-20) with flavor number N_f=3 due to the effective coupling strength energies between a_- ( @esc) =0.3787Ge and a_- ( @esc) =0.2752GeV and in the range 7.3705x10^ (-7) R_Compton (_esc, T, E_phot) to 5.85914*10^ (-20) with flavor number N_f=5 due to the effective coupling strength energies between a_- ( @esc) =0.444667GeV and a_- ( @esc) =0.32313GeV due to the critical temperature T_c=190 MeV. A MATLAB designed
Keywords: Photons Rate, Quark-Gluon System, Compton scattering
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 1770 - 1775
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