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Research Paper | Chemistry | Kenya | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Level of Metal Pollutants in Water from Nyakomisaro Stream through Kisii Town
Omoko Bochaberi Janes | Onyatta John | Nyabaro Obed | Kenanda Okemwa Evans
Abstract: Heavy metals are major pollutants of water sources. The source of these heavy metals is mostly from domestic, agricultural and industrial activities. Their presence in water even in low concentrations poses significant environmental concern. This study was conducted to access the levels of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc metals in water from Nyakomisaro stream. The study showed that mean concentration of these metals were 0.074 ppm Cd, 2.228 ppm Cu, 1.401 ppm Pb and 0.141 ppm Zn. The study concluded that the concentrations of cadmium and lead metals in Nyakomisaro stream water were higher than WHO recommended limit in drinking water thus, posing immediate fears of bio-accumulation.
Keywords: Heavy metal, bioaccumulation, cadmium, lead, copper, zinc
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 464 - 465
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