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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Message Authentication and Source Privacy in Wireless Networks
Vaishali Kisanrao Gulhane [2] | S. N. Shelke [2]
Abstract: Message authentication is a standout amongst the best approaches to ruin unapproved and defiled messages from being sent in wireless networks. Hence, numerous message validation plans have been produced, in view of either a symmetric-key cryptosystem or an open key cryptosystem. The vast majority of them, then again, have the impediments of high computational and correspondence overhead notwithstanding absence of adaptability and versatility to hub trading off assaults. To address these issues, a polynomial-based plan was as of late presented. On the other hand, this plan and its augmentations all have the shortcoming of an implicit edge controlled by the level of the polynomial when the quantity of messages transmitted is bigger than this edge, the enemy can completely recuperate the polynomial. we propose an adaptable confirmation plan taking into account elliptic curve. While empowering middle of the road hubs validation, our proposed plan permits any hubs to transmit a boundless number of messages without anguish the limit issue. In addition, our plan can likewise give message source protection using Block Authentication Code (BAC). The proposed system plan more proficient than the polynomial-based methodology regarding computational and correspondence overhead under similar security levels while giving message source protection.
Keywords: Hop-by-hop authentication, symmetric-key cryptosystem, public-key cryptosystem, source privacy, simulation, wireless networks, distributed algorithm, decentralized control, Block Authentication Code BAC
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 428 - 431
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