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Case Studies | Industrial Engineering | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Reducing Downtime Equipment in LPM Machine Line Using DMAIC Approach at an Alloy Wheel Manufacturer in Indonesia
Hadi Ashary | Choesnul Jaqin
Abstract: One effort that can be undertaken by manufacturing companies to maintain the stability of production is by maintaining equipment or machines to prevent damage. The alloy wheel manufacturing company in Karawang is one of the companies that produce casting wheels. The high production capacity of the allow wheel manufacturer has caused the high frequency of machine breakdown, particularly in the LPM machine line, which often goes into breakdowns. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improvement, Control) is one method used to analyze and make improvements in quality as well as in other processes. This study was conducted employing the DMAIC method, from defining the problem of the causes of downtime to implementing improvement actions. The improvement actions undertaken were carried out directly on the machine, in which methods used were standardization of materials used, reparation of working tools used, and skills improvement of the technical operator. The downtime was successfully reduced, the sigma score improved, and the use of spare parts reduced after improvement.
Keywords: DMAIC, Downtime, LPM, Alloy, Wheel, Sigma Level
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 740 - 744
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