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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
An Investigative Study of Spur Gear Failure by FEA and Photoelastic Method
Vrushali Wable | Dr. D. M. Mate
Abstract: Gear is most effective part of transmission system due to efficiency and reliability. Gear is used for high load in machine tools. These gears are continuously operated under specified conditions. If gear failure occurs, it is due to pitting failure and scoring failure. In this paper, pitting failure has been studied for a gear. Modeling of gears in CATIA V5 is done by parametric formulation. The gear is analyzed in ANSYS for deformation and max contact stress which causes pitting. Experimental Analysis is done using photoelastic method on photoelastic apparatus.
Keywords: ANSYS, FEA, parametric, pitting, Photoelastic Method
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 544 - 549
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