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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Prediction of Stability of Thin Wall Ribs in High Speed Machining
Vignesh Suresh [2] | Gopinath M [2] | Prabhu Raja V [2] | Palpandian P
Abstract: The existence of chatter in thin rib structure is mainly due to the reduction in stiffness of the structure. Hence, it is very significant to simulate the dynamic behavior of a thin wall structure in determining dynamic stiffness and natural frequency. Finite element analysis is carried out for a thin wall structure of different thickness to investigate the stiffness and natural frequency change. Stability lobe diagram is plotted for each rib thickness and the minimum axial depth of cut is found out for each case which represents the unconditional stable zone while machining.
Keywords: FEA, frequency response function, stability lobes, minimum depth of cut
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 423 - 427
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