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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Improving Inpainting by Using Super Resolution
Rahul Bhadane | V. D. Shinde
Abstract: This paper introduces about examplar based inpainting with bregman iteration algorithm. The first step of performing in this paper is inpainting on input images. The super resolution (bregman iteration) algorithm is used to improve information on missing area (unwanted area). The main benefit of this method is that it is stress-free to inpaint low resolution images. An input image is inpainted sometimes with several configurations. In the multiscale morphological cleaning can decreases noise powerfully by using super resolution (bregman Iteration) algorithm on that single image. Results are compared with parameter and time required for older and proposed methods
Keywords: Images Inpainting, Super-resolution, Bregman iteration
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 560 - 563
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