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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Geometric Reconstructions in Video Inpainting
Pooja Nandeshwar [2] | V.S. Nandedkar
Abstract: Inpainting, is the technique to modify the images so that changes made in the particular part of an images should not be noticeable easily by an observer. This inpainting includes restoration of harmed painting, selected objects to be replaced etc. In this paper, the selected fill regions can be inpainted by using information available from the surrounding source region. The filling of the region is to be processed in such a way that the outside boundaries of the particular fill region is to be completely filled inside. Similar approach had been applied in this paper on videos for better geometric reconstructions.
Keywords: Image inpainting, Video Inpainting, Video to image converter, Image to video converter
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 785 - 788
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