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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
?To Prepare and Test Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Postnatal Care? (Pilot Phase)
Ningthoujam Sujita Devi | Dr. Nilima Bhore [2]
Abstract: Pregnancy and delivery are the normal physiological process and the outcomes of the most pregnancies are good. The postnatal period or puerperium is an adjustment after pregnancy. Mothers and their newborns are vulnerable during the postnatal period, especially during the first 24hours following the birth. More than 2/3rd of newborn deaths will have occurred by the end of first week after delivery.61 % of maternal death takes places during labour, delivery or the immediate post- partum period. Integrated maternal and newborn postnatal care during the first few days after delivery should be provided to all the mother and newborn as a concerted strategy to improve survival of both. Purpose To prepare and test effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding postnatal care. Objectives To assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding postnatal care. Material and methods This was a quantitative quasi experimental pilot study with non equivalence control group design. Non probability convenience sampling technique was used for the selection of sample.20 samples for experimental group and 20 samples for control group from two different settings. During15th December 2015 to 29th February 2016 collected data. Tool was developed in two parts, first was demographic data of the mother, second part includes semi structured questionnaire on knowledge regarding post natal care. Result In experimental group, majority of mother 50 % of them had 23-27 years of age, 65 % of them were Hindu, 50 % of them had secondary education, 90 % of them were homemakers, 45 % of them had monthly family income less than Rs.10, 000, 85 % of them had mother as a support person, 50 % of them had nuclear family, 80 % of them had full term normal delivery with episiotomy. In control group, majority of mother 45 % of them had 23-27 years of age, 90 % of them were Hindu, 45 % of them had secondary education, 80 % of them were homemakers, 80 % of them had monthly family income Rs.10001-20000, 75 % of them had mother as a support system, 55 % of them had nuclear family, 65 % of them had full term normal delivery with episiotomy. In pretest, in experimental group, 95 % of the primipara mothers had poor knowledge and in control group, 90 % of the primipara mothers had poor knowledge regarding postnatal care. On 15th day, in experimental group, 70 % of them had good knowledge regarding postnatal care. On 45th day, in experimental group, 85 % of them had good knowledge regarding postnatal care. On 15th day, in control group, 80 % of them had poor knowledge. On 45th day, in control group, 70 % of them had poor knowledge. Average knowledge score in pretest was 13.4 which increased to 30.3 on 15th day and which is further maintained at 32 on 45th day. This shows that there is improvement in the knowledge of mothers in experimental group than control group. Conclusion The study concluded that Video assisted teaching program is proved to be significantly effective in improving the knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding postnatal care.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Video assisted teaching program VATP, knowledge, postnatal care
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 819 - 822
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