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Research Paper | Engineering Science | Cameroon | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Numerical Calculation and Design of Variant Topologies of Printed Dipole Antennas
Clement Mbinack | Emmanuel Tonye [2]
Abstract: We define the gain of an antenna through reference to a standard antenna. The reference antenna is amongst other things a perfect antenna which radiates in the same manner in all space directions with a circular radiation pattern. In reality this isotropic antenna does not exist, this is an imaginary antenna, we do not know how to achieve it in practice, but it is convenient to serve as a standard to test the real antennas. We therefore propose in this paper to design a model which is very close to the perfect antenna achieved from the popular microstrip dipole antenna working at frequency range of 2.4GHz.
Keywords: coplanar waveguide, mono-plane microstrip dipole antenna, radiation pattern, input impedance
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 895 - 899
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