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Case Studies | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Genes that Affect the Look in Teens; Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis: A Case Report
Hemini Shah | Mala Dixit Baburaj [3] | Bhavin Gaywala
Abstract: Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis (HGF) also referred to as idiopathic gingival hyperplasia is a rare type of slow growing gingival enlargement with great clinical and genetic heterogenity inherited usually as Mendelian autosomal dominant trait. Occurring as an isolated trait (HGF) and/or as a component of a syndrome, the affected gingiva is characterized by firm, asymptomatic, nonhemorrhagic enlarged (hyperplastic) tissue with characteristic pale pink colour, covering most of the anatomic crown, involving usually all the quadrants. This paper presents a case report of a 16 year old male suffering from hereditary gingival fibromatosis with a positive family history. Periodontal management including gingivectomy (external bevel) was being undertaken after biopsy.
Keywords: Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis, Gingival Enlargement, Gingivectomy
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 1064 - 1067
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