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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Comparative Study on Analysis and Cost of R.C.C. and Steel-Composite Structure
Renavikar Aniket V. | Suryawanshi Yogesh
Abstract: The project involves Analysis of a residential building with steel-concrete composite and R. C. C. construction. The proposed structure is a four multistoried buildings of G+9, G+12, G+15, G+18, with 3.0m as the height of each floor. The overall plan dimension of the building is 15m x 9m. The analysis and involves the load calculation, analyzing it by 2D modeling using software STAAD-Pro 2007. Analysis has been done for various load combinations as per the Indian Standard Code of Practice. The project also involves analysis of an equivalent R. C. C. structure so that a cost comparison can be made between a steel-concrete composite structure and an equivalent R. C. C. structure.
Keywords: Composite construction, Steel Concrete composite section, RCC Slab, Steel, Comparative study
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 1421 - 1425
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