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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Tweet Segmentation and Preserving from the Spam
Sonam U. Meshram | Hirendra R. Hajare
Abstract: Twitter is a biggest connecting site that includes various users. Many users share their data and it is updatable sites so data should be maintained properly and accessing in proper way. Hence the mining algorithm helps to managing data. Many applications such as Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing includes some errors and short term of tweets and hence overcoming such type of problems tweet segmentation it is easy to understand and maintain. In this work, the tweets are divides into its separate categories hence data must be easily access and using data mining algorithm to implements the effective data and hence tweet are distributed.
Keywords: Twitter, tweet segmentation, named entity recognition, k-means algorithm, support vector machine algorithm
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 1505 - 1507
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