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Research Paper | Geography | Turkiye | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Global Environment Problems in the Developing and Changing World
Dr. Mesut Dogan
Abstract: The world has been very rapidly developing and changing. It is particularly apparent in the western countries, the effects of which on developing and especially on underdeveloped countries are gradually increasing. In the name of modernization, powerful counties have not only taken their problems with themselves wherever they go but also become the main source of some other problems in countries they have travelled to. Besides, they have made considerable contributions to these countries, in other words, western society has created the setting for civilization. As is known, modernization and its outcomes result from positive philosophy. This process takes man as its focal point. Man is present in its each and every phase. Superior power of man is evident on the axis of modernization and positive philosophy. On one side, this superior power of mans intelligence makes possible development and change of any kind. On the other, it brings harm to the environment by various means, which eventually causes global environment problems. From this perspective, destruction, disruption and pollution of the environment should be a matter of discussion.
Keywords: World, Development, Change, Globalization, Environment
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 49 - 51
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