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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | Spain | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Origanum majorana Essential Oil Reduces VAS Score and Modulates Cerebral Activity during 10 NeurOptimal? Sessions in Patients
Maria Eugenia Cabana-Munoz [3] | Carmen Perez Laso | Jose Maria Parmigiani-Izquierdo [3] | Jose Joaquin Merino [4]
Abstract: We have evaluated whether NeurOptimal training could modulate brain activities at pre (PRE) and post-training (POST) during 10 NO sessions in healthy participants with (n=13) /without Origanum majorana (n=13) stimulation. This essential oil has been impregnated on their nasal filters in all training sessions (n=26 healthy volunteers 13 stimulated with Origanum majorana essential oil and 13 without stimulation with this odor). Divergence (DIV) reflects the efficacy of NO training on cerebral activity in healthy volunteers with//without Origanum majorana essential oil stimulation during all NO learning sessions. DIV is the difference of total brain activity reached at Pre-learning (PRE) minus Post-training (POST) values. As consequence of NO overtraining, Origanum majorana induces fluctuation on brain activity in these healthy participants. In fact, higher divergences suggest the information has not been integrated at that specific learning session yet. Conversely, negative divergences or values close to zero indicate the information is being integrated at certain moment. In addition, Origanum majorana stimulation was able to reduce VAS (Visual Analog Scale) scores after NeurOptimal training as compare to participants without treatment with this odor. Thus, Origanum majorana essential oil could induce desired changes on cerebral activity and also reduces unneccesary variations on brain activity during 10 sessions
Keywords: NeurOptimal, Neurofeedback, brain plasticity, brain stimulation, aromateraphy Origanum majorana essential oil, human behaviour
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 2126 - 2136