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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Efficient Shape and Material for Performance Disc Brake by Coupled Structural & Thermal Analysis
R. Radha Krishna Murthy | K. Sree Devi [2]
Abstract: The ever increasing need of effective transportations puts automobile manufacturers in a non-avoidable situation of maintaining and improvement of safety systems. The brake system has always been one of the most critical active safety systems. Brake cooling is further an important aspect to consider for brake disc durability and performance. The motive of undertaking this project of Efficient Shape and Material for Disc Brake by coupled Structural & Thermal Analysis is to study and evaluate the performance under severe braking conditions and there by assist in disc rotor shape and material. ANSYS package is a dedicated finite element package used for determining the temperature distribution, variation of stresses and deformation across the disc brake profile. In the present work, two shapes of discs available in the market for 180c. c motor cycles are considered and are individually analyzed with Grey Cast Iron and carbon Ceramic as material to determine structural deformation and stress coupled with transient thermal analysis. Based on the above results, efficient shape and material of disc is suggested.
Keywords: CATIA, ANSYS, Disc brake, Heat flux, Heat transfer coefficient, Structural analysis, Transient thermal analysis
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 1744 - 1750
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