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Research Paper | Education Management | Kenya | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Impact of Academic Staff Establishment on the Masters Degree Programmes in Kenyan Public Universities; A Case of Departments of Educational Foundations From 1993 to 2014
Sogoni Hardley Musiega | Daniel K Gakunga [2] | Musembi Nungu [2]
Abstract: Departmental analysis has gained momentum in the world of identifying progress made in various tasks planned for. After undergraduate training in Universities, graduates take various postgraduate courses to enhance their role as scholars in educational foundations courses. Many studies have been carried on development of education in African Universities with none delving into actual departmental masters degree programmes and the impact of academic staff establishment on overall university growth. This study was historical research which adapted case study approach of three public universities in Kenya. This brought on board three, chairpersons of the department of Educational foundations, three registrars and fifty nine (59) lecturers. Using document analysis schedule and interview schedules, the dynamics development of masters degree programmes in line with the academic staff establishment was brought to the reality. The study revealed that most students enrolled and graduated in the departments that had enough academic staff establishment. The department existed as independent department that offered courses in such administration and policy management as well as department of educational foundations. Masters degree students in departments that had enough academic staff had highest number of students enrolling for the courses. Key recommendations include granting students scholarships to masters degree students in the department of educational foundations and study leave by their employers. Equally imperative is recruitment of more academic staff in the fields of educational foundations which will enhance the departmental capability to train more students in educational foundations courses highly needed in tertiary and upcoming universities offering teaching undergraduate courses.
Keywords: Academic staff establishment, masters programmes
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 317 - 324
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