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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Survey on a Profitable Service in Cloud Computing
Shaikh Md. Arshad
Abstract: Cloud computing is very popular now a day because it provide service on demand, like bank transaction, updating face book status, whats-up application on android phone are the best example of cloud computing services, so it is very important to know how the cloud computing services or which type of service architecture will help to increase the profit. Basically there are three main sector in cloud computing where we can earn the maximum profit 1) Infrastructure providers 2) Services providers, and 3) Customers. Infrastructure providers provide Hard-ware and software facility, service provider take the facility provided by Infrastructure providers on rent pay the rent to it make number of service that run on that and make available to customer on demand of service, customer pay to the services providers for particular service. In survey paper we found that service provider make multiserver configuration of a service to maximize the profit. Generally a single long-term renting scheme is usually adopted to configure a cloud platform, which cannot guarantee the service quality but leads to serious resource waste. In this paper, a double resource renting scheme is designed firstly in which short-term renting and long-term renting are combined aiming at the existing issues. This double renting scheme can effectively guarantee the quality of service of all requests and reduce the resource waste greatly. Secondly, a service system is considered as an M/M/m+D queuing model and the performance indicators that affect the profit of our double renting scheme are analyzed, e. g. , the average charge, the ratio of requests that need temporary servers, and so forth. Thirdly, a profit maximization problem is formulated for the double renting scheme and the optimized configuration of a cloud platform is obtained by solving the profit maximization problem.
Keywords: Cloud computing, trusted quality of service, profit Maximization, Service Charge, service-level agreement, multi-server system, Queuing Model
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 350 - 355
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