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Research Paper | Chemistry | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Study of Some Heavy Metals in Ground Water in Saline Track of Buldana District and its Remediation by Rhizofiltration
B. M. Tayde | B. B. Wankhade
Abstract: Water is literally the source of life on earth. Ground water polluted by heavy meta ls becomes a environmental problem, though the metals are constituent of nature. Plant based technologies such as rhizofiltration are the cost effective and environmentally friendly for removal of heavy metals. Rhizofiltration is a technique of utilising p lant root to absorb heavy metals from the ground water. In the present work ground water samples were collected from different villages of Purna river basin. Samples were analysed for physico - chemical parameters such as temperature, pH, TDS, Hardness, Cond uctivity and heavy metals like Cu, Fe, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, and Zn. Heavy metals are assessed before and after rhizofiltration treatment. The result of the study reveals that TDS, Hardness and heavy metal concentration of metal ions are reduced after rhizofiltr ation treatment.
Keywords: Ground water, Physico - chemical parameter, Rhizofiltration, Heavy metals
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 279 - 282
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