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Research Paper | Veterinary Sciences | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Histological Study of Recipient Wound Bed Healing by Ultrasound Therapy in Dogs
Dr. M. Gokulakrishnan [3] | Dr. L. Nagarajan [3] | Dr. Ramani [2] | Dr. T. A. Kannan [2] | Dr. Mohammed Safiuzamma [2] | Dr. Geetha Ramesh
Abstract: Open wound management, until the wound is considered suitable for reconstruction or until it has healed by second intention, has been the treatment of choice for centuries. Frequent and painful dressing changes over prolonged periods intensifies overall case management, and may impact treatment costs. Wound healing stimulated an optimum microenvironment for successful reconstruction that can be created by employing modern methods such as electrical stimulation, ultrasound, platelet rich plasma and stem cell therapy. Electro-physical modalities like ultrasound therapy of 0.1 w/cm2 had positive effects on wound healing on proliferative stages by accelerating the inflammatory phases. Ultrasound therapy reduces the duration of the inflammatory phase of repair and enhances the release of factors which stimulated the proliferative phase of repair from macrophages and other cells. When skin was damaged, not only epithelial cells were destroyed, but also a large quantity of collagen was also lost. Wound healing was a complex dynamic process that integrated the functions of formed blood elements, the extracellular matrix (ECM), parenchymal cells, and soluble mediators. In uncomplicated wounds, the repair process followed a fairly consistent time sequence. Phases of cutaneous wound repairing is divided into three phases inflammation (early and late), proliferation, and remodeling. Several wound characteristics were considered that determined the level of histopatological changes e. g. depth and length of healed wound, epithelial stratification, incorporation of the dermal substitute, degree of neutrophil, macrophage, fibroblast, foreign body giant (FBG) cell infiltration and extent of elastin formation. Wounded tissue stained with Massons trichrome showed a clear view of collagen fibres deposition and reorganisation compared to Hematoxylin and Eosin staining. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the wound healing by Ultrasound therapy through histopathological evaluation.
Keywords: wound healing- Recipient wound bed Ultrasound therapy masons trichrome staining- hisopathological evaluation
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 274 - 278
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