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Research Paper | Material Science and Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Theoretical Study of Infrared Spectra of C60S Isomers through Hartree-Fock Method
Mohd Yunus [2] | Rashid Nizam [2]
Abstract: The Infrared spectra of C60S have been calculated through Hartree-Fock Method. It has been also predicted that C60S having four isomers C60S [5, 6], C60S [5, 6] C60S [6, 6] and C60S [6, 6]. However this Hartree-Fock Method is not converging for opened C60S [5, 6] and opened C60S [6, 6] isomers. The simulated spectra of closed C60S [5, 6] and closed C60S [6, 6] isomer have been done. Each computed spectrum of closed C60S can be divided into four ranges of frequencies 0-600 cm-1, 600-800 cm-1, 800-1200 cm-1 and 1200-1650 cm-1 and the results may be analyzed in each range separately. The strong intense lines of infrared spectra are appeared in closed [5, 6] than C60S isomer C60S [6, 6]. The calculated energy barriers for the conversion of the closed C60S [6, 6] isomer to the opened C60S [5, 6] isomer are 233.2 kJ mol-1 and 1.2 kJ mol-1. The opposite (reaction) conversions barriers from opened C60S [5, 6] to closed C60S [6, 6] isomer are 82.0 kJ mol-1 and 150.5 kJ mol-1.
Keywords: C60S, Infrared spectra and Hartree-Fock Method
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 1123 - 1128