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Research Paper | Radiological Sciences | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
USG Evaluation of Traumatic and Inflammatory Conditions of Musculoskeletal System
Ajita Nawale [4] | Sneha Pai | Arvind Borde [5]
Abstract: Musculoskeletal sonography is a rapidly evolving technique that is gaining popularity for the evaluation and treatment of traumatic and inflammatory conditions of musculoskeletal system. Ability to perform dynamic real time imaging is major advantage as compared to other MSK imaging modalities (MRI). Ultrasonography has established itself as the primary diagnostic modality for the abnormalities of rotator cuff and developmental dysplasia of hip. Traumatic and inflammatory conditions of tendons, ligaments, bursae, articular cartilage, can be readily detected by sonography. Also hematoma, abscesses, foreign bodies are easily identified [1]. Ultrasound also offers guided puncture of effusions and collections.
Keywords: MSUS, Injury, RA, DDH, Rotator tear
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 427 - 435
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