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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
A New Approach to DNA Cryptography Using 8x8 Playfair Cipher and Ramanujam Square Matrix
Dr. K. Meena [4] | Dr. K. Menaka [4]
Abstract: Cryptography can be characterized as a process of renovating the sender's message to a furtive format that can only be understood by the intended receiver. The DNA cryptography is a novel area to achieve advanced stage of information which has enthralled massive implication in the field of information security. With the strange availability of information in DNA sequences, it is possible to efficiently make a secure system. Though many algorithms have been developed for hiding the data, DNA sequences based data encryption seems to be a promising approach for satisfying the current information security needs. In this paper, a new approach to DNA Cryptography has been developed using 8x8 Playfair Cipher and Ramanujam Square Matrix in which some blending steps are added to scramble the message thereby providing more randomness. The proposed algorithm offers very low correlation between the original and encrypted messages and confirms a strapping robustness against intruder attacks.
Keywords: DNA cryptography, Playfair Cipher, Ramanujam Square Matrix, Data Hiding, Secure Transmission and Reception
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 444 - 446
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