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Research Paper | Zoology | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Correlation Aspects between Macroinvertebrates and Physicochemical Factors to Assess Water Quality of the River Vainganga
Pralhad R. Harinkhede | Ashok P. Manekar
Abstract: The present paper deals with qualitative and quantitative analysis of site wise and seasonal correlations between macroinvertebrate density and physicochemical parameters of the river Vainganga flowing through Gondia district in Maharashtra state, India. A total of 133 species comprising 71 families of 15 orders of Arthropoda, Mollusca and Annelida were recorded. The macroinvertebrate density and correlation coefficient were calculated using the software PAST-3. The density was recorded highest during winter followed by summer and least during monsoon. The upstream sites harbored more sensitive species than the downstream sites. The physicochemical parameters were found favorable for the growth of the macroinvertebrate fauna. Presence of diverse macroinvertebrate communities in the river Vainganga indicated a heterogeneous and stable habitat structure and reflected clean, acceptable and good water quality.
Keywords: Correlation, density, macroinvertebrates, percent composition, Vainganga
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 1582 - 1585
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