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Research Paper | Home Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Role of Education in Institution Promotion of Value Education, Personality and Career Development of Adolescents
Dr. T. Adilakshmi | Dr. J. Suneetha
Abstract: Today's adolescents are more careers conscious than ever. They are demanding more in terms of personal growth and development. Organizations that fail to allow employees to meet their individual needs will be losing valued employees. This paper will examine the role and importance of Career Development Programs in developing and retaining adolescents. A Career Development Program seeks to match to needs of the adolescents with those of the organization with the major components being counseling and training. Counseling provides employees with the opportunity to define career goals and to rebate plans within the context of organizational realities. Training allows the employee to develop and acquire knowledge, skills and abilities required to enhance his/her current job and prepares them for future job opportunities. As we approach the 21st Century, it is essential that organizations place a high value on career development. This will allow adolescents to fulfill their career needs, and organizations will benefit by retaining a greater number of their competent and qualified adolescents.
Keywords: Value Education, Personality and Career development
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 1283 - 1287
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