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Dissertation Chapters | Environmental Science Studies | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Peat Water Treatment with Natural Inorganic Coagulant
Ardiansyah [2] | Syaiful Bahri [5] | Saryono [3] | Wawan [2]
Abstract: Rapid of Indonesia population growth has an impact on increasing human needs, not least the need for water. Peat water treatment, in principle, is the process of purifiying of water compounds or substances dissolved and suspended in peat water, which were not expected to exist in water. In order of peat water to be used by community for drinking water, it is necessary to find, ways of peat water treatment easy and cheap. The natural resources that are available around us are always able to provide a valuable contribution to humans if managed properly. The use of natural inorganic materials is one solution to be taken in peat water treatment, one to its. Effective contact time of natural materials as a coagulant to pH, TDS (Total Disolved Solid), and the color of peat water respectively. The results showed that natural inorganic coagulant dosage formulation, A14 (clay 10 g, 0.25 g NaHCO3 and 1.0 g PAC) for the 15-minute observation time, the most effective because it increase the pH value of peat from 4 to 7, 08, to reduce color levels of peat water of 25 TCU to 0.00, but it on the other side has not been able to improve the quality of the water TDS peat from the initial state is 87 mg / l. As a result it has met the standards Regulation of the Minister of Health Number.492 / Menkes / Per / IV / 2010 for Drinking Water Quality Requirements.
Keywords: natural coagulant
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 389 - 394
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