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Research Paper | Management | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Adoption of Green Banking in India: Challenges and Prospects
Dr. Bibhu Prasad Sahoo | Amandeep Singh [16]
Abstract: Green banking is different from traditional banking, as green banking focus on promoting environment friendly banking. Green banking is also known as ethical banking. This paper attempts to analyze the adoption of green banking products among customers with different educational qualification and different age groups. ANOVA and post hoc tests are applied for analyzing both the objectives. This paper finding explains that young generation is more inclined towards green banking products than middle age and senior age groups but there is no significant difference in mean usage of green banking products among the customers with different educational qualification. Therefore, the educational qualification has nothing to do with usage of green banking products, whereas, more awareness is need to be created among the middle and senior age groups individuals.
Keywords: Green Banking, ANOVA, Ethical Banking, Post hoc analysis & Sustainable Development
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 379 - 382
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