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Research Paper | Management | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Conflict Resolution Model: A Case on Placement of Capital Government in North Buton
La Ode Muhammad Umran | Samiruddin [2] | Masrul | Hasriyani Amin
Abstract: This research is aimed to identify and analyze the conflict resolution model on placed of capital local government in North Buton. This research is based on Critical approach or critical paradigm, and case study. Both of them are used simultaneously for formulating and analyzing to respond of stakeholder. Unit analyses are public official, legislature, political elite, entrepreneur, youth leader, public leader, and other community (farmer, fishermen, etc. ) Data is interpreted and elaborated through in depth interviews instrument with informant and also conducted through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to local community that were analyzed qualitatively. Research findings showed that the patterns of communication network based on environmental condition, social and cultural structures, patterns of togetherness, and charges of particular interest. The whole group of people who forming a network of communication in micro scale, after they were confronted with the phenomenon of placement for government capital location, they pattern within network concentrated into three networks. They are Kulisusu, Buranga, and swing network which were called a pattern of triangle communication networks or known as tri-polar network pattern. The models of conflict resolution to resolve the gap in placement of government capital location included competition, accommodation, sharing, and collaboration. It was concluded that with combining sharing and collaboration model is suggested for resolving this conflict.
Keywords: Network Pattern, Conflict Resolution, Capital of Regional Government
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 510 - 519
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