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Research Paper | Botany | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Allelochemicals of Phragmites karka Enhanced the Growth of Rice Seedlings
Abstract: The aquatic macrophytes are well known to exhibit allelopathy. Phragmites karka (Retz. ) Trin. ex Steud. was screened for their allelopathic potential to the growth of rice seedlings. The 3 % aqueous leachate was tested for seed germination of rice (variety PR-106) in petriplates as well as pot culture. The P. karka was found to enhance the growth of rice seedlings. The rice seedlings were planted in pots with soil mixed with 3 % (w/w) dried matter (Ag and Bg parts) of P. karka. The growth of rice seedlings was highly promoted. This study suggested the future prospects of the integrated management of rice crop using the potential of allelopathic potential of P. karka.
Keywords: Allelopathic potential, leachate and aquatic macrophytes
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 606 - 608
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