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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Durability Aspects of Flyash Based Geopolymer Concrete
A. Iftiqar Ahmed | Dr. S. Siddiraju [8]
Abstract: Geopolymer concrete contain no cement in concrete gains the popularity globally towards the sustainable development. It is a type of amorphous alumino-silicate cementations material which can be synthesized by polycondensation reaction of geopolymeric precursor and alkali polysilicates. Beside fly ash, alkaline solution is used to prepare geopolymer paste which binds the aggregates to form geopolymer concrete. Some studies can be seeing in literature on geopolymer concrete, not more work has been reported in the development of mix design procedure. In the addition, some of the conclusions are contradictory. In this paper an attempt is makes to develop the mix design for Geopolymer concrete in medium grade and relative comparison has been prepared with relative mix proportions of grade of OPC Concrete in both heat cured and sunlight cured conditions. Different mixes for each grade is casted, tested and calculated. The design parameters like alkaline liquid to fly ash ratio and water to Geopolymer solids ratio are proposed to develop the Geopolymer concrete of standard grade. Geopolymer concrete results from the reaction of a source materials that is rich in silica and alumina with alkaline liquid. A summary of the extensive studies conducted on fly ash-based geopolymer concrete is presented. We calculated the split tensile strength and flexural strength in this paper and testing the specimen in CPM at the age of 7 and 28 days. For the molarities 8M, 12M, 16M calculation of these above two strengths are carried out. Test data are used to identify the effects of salient factors that influence the properties of the geopolymer concrete and to propose a simple method for the design of geopolymer concrete mixtures. Test data of various short-term and long-term properties of the geopolymer concrete and the results of the tests conducted on large-scale reinforced geopolymer concrete members show that geopolymer concrete is well-suited to manufacture precast concrete products that can be used in infrastructure developments. The paper also includes brief details of some recent applications of geopolymer concrete.
Keywords: Compressive strength, flyash, geopolymer, molarity
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 648 - 652
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