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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016
Assess the Effectiveness of Health Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Immunization among Mothers of Fewer than Five Children
Sheetal Udaykar [4] | Joanna John K
Abstract: Immunization has been regarded as the most cost effective intervention for child health promotion. Immunizing a child significantly reduces cost of creating diseases thus providing a health childhood and reducing poverty and suffering. Objectives of the Study 1. To assess the knowledge regarding Immunization among Mothers of under Five Children.2. To assess the effectiveness of health teaching programme on Immunization 3. To find out association between selected socio-demographic variables and knowledge scores. Research Approach was Evaluative Research Approach. Research Design was Quasi Experimental (one group pre-test and post-test) research design. Sample-The Mothers of under Five Children. Sample Size 40 Mothers of under Five Children are selected for this study. Sample Technique Purposive sampling technique. Settings Selected Community area. The overall pre-test mean knowledge score was found to be14.675 and SD as 4.226. And the overall pre-test mean knowledge score was found to be 21.800 and SD as 4.207. Paired t-test shows statistical significance at 5 per cent level (p<0.05) establishing the impact of planned teaching on knowledge regarding Immunization among Mothers of under Five Children in selected Community Setting. There was no significant association established between variables like Age, Educational Qualification, Occupation, Religion, and Number of children. Conclusion- In this study post test mean knowledge score of the mothers was indicated significant difference which is a net benefit to the mothers due to the effectiveness of health teaching program.
Keywords: effectiveness, health teaching, knowledge, Immunization, Mothers, Children
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 84 - 89
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