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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016
Empowerment of Women Teachers in Improving Quality of Education in the 25 State Junior High School Sarolangun
Abstract: A lack of effort from the headmaster in the empowerment of women teachers in Junior High School 25 Sarolangun, good empowerment additional positions, training, and other activities in junior high. That is the empowerment of female teachers in SMPN 25 Sarolangun still be discriminated against on the principal itself. Therefore, in the face of MEA female teachers must be empowered and equal with male teachers. In addition, the principal must cooperate with local and provincial governments in order to empower women teachers in any field to match the capacities and skills of women teachers themselves
Keywords: Women's teachers Empowerment, the Education Quality
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 779 - 784
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