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Research Paper | Management | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Influence of the Marketing Mix, Motivation and References to the Home Purchase Decision at the Cluster of PuriHasanah 3
Anditias Ramadhan | Lilik Noor Yuliati [7] | Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat [2]
Abstract: The study was conducted among at the cluster of Puri Hasanah 3 in Depok, Indonesia.100 respondents were divided into two groups that potential consumer and consumer who already buy the house. In this study, 35 indicators model was developed (32 exogenous and 3 endogenous indicators). Data were analyzed by Partial Least Square using SmartPLS program. A significant influence of the variable to the purchase decision was known with R-square value >80 %. Marketing mix variables and motivations influence significantly with the value of path coefficient is 0.857 and 0.15 for potential consumer, 0.58 and 0.335 for consumer who already purchases the house. Managerial implications that can be done on potential consumer based on the characteristic of the respondent is the strategy of segmenting, targeting and positioning in the middle and upper class consumers, who are married and has imaging to home.
Keywords: home purchase decision, potential consumer, partial least square, marketing mix, implication of managerial
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 2501 - 2504
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