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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Knowledge and Attitude Assessment on Institutional Delivery among Primi and Multigravidae Mothers
Abstract: Background of the study The study was undertaken to assess the knowledge and attitude on institutional delivery among primi and multigravidae mothers in selected rural areas, Bangalore The aim of the study is to compare the knowledge and attitude on institutional delivery between primi and multigravidae mothers. Methodology survey approach and comparative descriptive design was used. Non-probability purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample that is 50 primigravidae and 50 multigravidae mothers at Hessarghatta village PHC and Chickbanawara village PHC, Bangalore. The tool used was structured knowledge questionnaire and 5 point Likert attitude scale to collect the data through structured interview schedule. The result of the study is the mean percentage of overall knowledge on institutional delivery of primi and multigravidae mothers is 56.2 and 65.67 respectively with the calculated t-value about 4.49 shows that multigravidae mothers have more knowledge than primigravidae mothers. The mean percentage of attitude level of primi and multigravidae mothers is 74.3 and 76.1 with the calculated t-value 1.15 which shows that both primi and multigravidae mothers have nearly equal attitude level as per statistical evidence. The correlation coefficient value of knowledge and attitude of primi and multigravidae mothers is +0.549 and +0.149 respectively which indicated there is a positive relationship exists. The education variable of primigravidae mothers shows statistical significant association with knowledge and attitude whereas in multigravidae mothers no statistical significant association was found with all the socio-demographic variables. Conclusion The primigravidae mothers have lower knowledge than multigravidae mothers so there is a greater need to educate the primigravidae mothers through mass education programme and making institutional delivery as a choice, ultimately there will be reduction of maternal mortality and morbidity.
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Primigravidae, Multigravidae, Institutional delivery
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 2609 - 2618
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