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Research Paper | Plant Physiology and Botany | Uzbekistan | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
The Study of the Morphology and Biology of Germination Seeds of Silybum marianum in Condition Syrdarya Region (UZBEKISTAN)
Alimova Rano | Adilov Bekhzod
Abstract: The paper studied the morphometric, weight indicators, as well as the biological characteristics of germination and germination of seeds of Silybum marianum. The studies revealed that germination of seed from overhead, marked also the basis of the phase of germination glueing, seed yield embryonic root and hypocotyl, hypocotyl elongation and cotyledon leaf removal, the deployment of cotyledons. Analysis of the quality of seed showed that the seeds from the best germination and vigor are formed in the medium term acquisition 1-2 August. The authors recommended the period of seed collecting in a Syrdarya region (Uzbekistan).
Keywords: Silybum marianum, seed germination phase, germination, vigor, germination biology, seed quality
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 1312 - 1314
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