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Research Paper | Food Science | Nigeria | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Effects of Processing Methods on Proximate Composition, Mineral Content and Functional Properties of ?Ofor (Detarium microcarpum) Seed Flour
Amandikwa C. | Bede E.N. | Eluchie C.N.
Abstract: Effect of processing on the proximate composition, mineral contents and functional properties of ofor (Detarium microcarpum) seed flour was evaluated. Undehulled ofor, seeds were subjected to three different processing methods soaking (12hrs at room temperature), boiling (1hr) and roasting (15mins). The treated seeds were dehulled, milled, sun-dried and sieved to obtain the ofor seed flour samples. The samples were analyzed for proximate composition, mineral contents and functional properties. The results obtained showed that the different treatments had significant effects on almost all the parameters studied. Roasted sample had the highest value of crude protein (17.70 %) and fiber (5.2 %) while the soaked sample had the highest values in crude fat (23.01 %) and ash (3.5 %). The results of the functional properties showed that the roasted sample had 1.09 and 0.688 g/ml in swelling index and bulk density respectively while the soaked sample had the highest value (1.42 ml/g) in oil absorption and 1.35 ml/g for the boiled sample. The mineral contents of the samples were 21.30 mg/kg, 21.21mg/kg and 19.43mg/kg calcium, 14.13mg/kg, 15.71mg/kg and 15.71mg/kg phosphorus and 19.67mg/kg, 19.43mg/kg and 18.73mg/kg magnesium for roasted, boiled and soaked samples respectively. The results showed that processing methods had significant (P<0.05) effects on the parameters evaluated.
Keywords: processing, proximate, mineral, functional, Detarium
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 966 - 970
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