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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Grid-Tie Inverter with Smart Power Monitoring through IOT using Cloud Data Storage
C. Dinesh Kumar | D. Lohitha
Abstract: Today the world is on the verge of Energy Crisis and also the Global Warming issue. As a result we feel a strong need of Energy Monitoring for Grid-Tie Inverter. Energy Monitoring means nothing but a plan to Monitor power Parameters of Grid-Tie Inverter to Customer by Hour wise, Day wise and Month wise reports through web page using TCP/IP. ROI (Return Of Investment) is the one thing customer want to know after how many years he will get profit of Grid-Tie Inverter after Installation. Grid-Tie Inverter Power parameters are monitored through remote monitoring using GPRS as Gateway.
Keywords: ROI, GPRS, Grid-Tie Inverter, TCP/IP
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 1845 - 1849
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