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Review Papers | Dental Science | India | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Biofilm On Dental Implants-A Review
Umme Salma Durbar | Dr. Dhanraj [13]
Abstract: Mouth provides a congenial environment for the growth of the microorganisms as compared to any other part of the human body by exhibiting an ideal nonshedding surface. Dental plaque happens to be a diverse community of the microorganisms found on the tooth surface. Periodontal disease and the peri-implant disease are specific infections that are originating from these resident microbial species when the balance between the host and the microbial pathogenicity gets disrupted. As more implants are nowadays being placed, clinicians may encounter more complications. Therefore, understanding the etiology is warranted to establish adequate diagnosis and provide proper treatment. This review discusses the biofilms in relation to the peri-implant region, factors affecting its presence, and the associated treatment to manage this complex microbial colony.
Keywords: implant, biofilm, microorganisms, peri-implant diseases, surface roughness
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 182 - 185
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