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Research Paper | Mathematics | India | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Gaussian Integer Solutions of an Infinite Elliptic Cone 5X^2+5Y^2+9Z^2+46XY-34YZ-22XZ=0
Manju Somanath | J. Kannan | K. Raja [16]
Abstract: The ternary quadratic Diophantine equation representing infinite elliptic cone given by is analyzed for its non- zero distinct solutions in. Few different patterns of integer points satisfying the cone under consideration are obtained. Also knowing an integer solution satisfying the given cone a few triples of integers generated from the given solution are exhibited.
Keywords: Diophantine equation, Ternary quadratic equation, Gaussian integer solution, Infinite elliptic Cone
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 296 - 299
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