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Research Paper | Astronomy Science | India | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Why the Universe is Neither Controllable Nor Observable. The Solution of the State-Space Matrix Can Answer Everything about the Universe
Abstract: The Universe is neither controllable nor observable by human psychology. Space-time is highly non-linear. We are yet to find the solution of non-linear time varying equations. What we achieved is hypothetical idealistic models of the real world. If the error is the minimum within specific range between idealistic model and real world, we can conclude to have a good model that describes the real world. We authenticate the idealistic model with observed experimental test data to validate the model. The signals found in the real world are of very low energy noises, random signals. It indicates that we live in a very low energy local area of the Universe. We do not have proper mathematical tools to describe the real world signals. What we analyze, are the idealistic deterministic models of real random signals. That is where science differs from the reality is that we analyze the reality as model based realism which itself is never reality, at best, it is a good model-based realism of actual reality. The state variables of the Universe must include space, time, energy and mass, if not more. The solution of the state-space matrix can answer every mystery of the Universe. In this paper, I will present the state-space matrix to analyze it and will show why the Universe is neither controllable nor observable by us. I will also show that why future is preordained, predefined, totally fixed very much like past.
Keywords: Controllable and observable, Non-linear time varying equations, Hypothetical idealistic model, Model based realism of actual reality, Idealistic deterministic model
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 312 - 314
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