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Research Paper | English Language and Literature | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
The Effects of Formal Instruction on the Acquisition of English Short Vowels
Sukardi Weda [2] | Andi Elsa Fadhilah Sakti
Abstract: The Effects of Formal Instruction on the Acquisition of English Short Vowels Sukardi Weda1, Andi Elsa Fadhilah Sakti2 1, 2 Faculty of Languages and Literature, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia Kampus UNM Parangtambung, Jl. Dg. Tata Makassar. Indonesian and English vowels reveal different phonetic classification and symbols in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). English has seven short vowels, e, , , , and. The difference in phonetic classification and symbol overlooks subsegmental difference in aspiration that exists between the two. In English there are many sounds symbolized by short vowels, , , , and which are absent in Indonesian. These sounds make difficulties to Indonesian speakers of English. This study therefore aims to explore whether formal instruction improve the acquisition of English short vowels by Indonesian learners of English. The population of this study is students of English Literature Study Program Faculty of Languges and Literature Universitas Negeri Makassar Indonesia. The study reveals that formal instruction improved the acquisition of English short vowels by Indonesian learners of English and the majority of the students transcribed the short vowels as long vowels, e. g. , becomes e as in docter, becomes i as in sit. Formal instruction, short vowels, English, Indonesian learners of English
Keywords: Formal Instruction, shor vowels, English, Indonesian learners of English
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 2643 - 2647
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