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Survey Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
A Brief Review on Detection of Anxiety in Humans and Its Importance
Anupama Soni | Rahul Verma [9]
Abstract: In this paper present a brief review on detection of anxiety in humans and its importance. Anxiety identified as an indicator of deception, embarrassment and shame. Anxiety normally associated with skin coloration of face and affects skin surface temperature, can be used to detect stress levels in humans and potential indicators of human lies. Facial based approach for detecting anxiety are unnoticeable and do not require the subject cooperation. It is an important topic in computer vision, forensics or biomedical application. Anxiety detection assumes that guilt manipulation results in measure of behavioral changes that distinguish truth tellers from deceivers, but various methods offers a non-contact approach of measuring physiological feature.
Keywords: Anxiety, Physiological, Polygraph, Embarrassment, Guilty Knowledge, Deception
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 1602 - 1606
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